Gluten Free Lifestyle

Experience a Gluten Free Lifestyle
Depending on why you follow a gluten-free lifestyle will determine how crucial making certain food choices are. For some people being gluten-free is a choice and if a little gluten gets into their diet, the impact is not catastrophic. For others who have been diagnosed with celiac disease, gluten is not an option under any circumstance.
A gluten-free lifestyle simply means making the extra effort to prepare your meals and your day to accommodate your eating according to your body’s needs. Be mindful that it may be challenging at first, but it will over time become easier, so be patient with yourself. It takes about 60-120 days for someone to understand and experience the full impact of living a gluten-free lifestyle. Here are four key things to keep in mind when starting to venture into a gluten-free lifestyle.
Anytime a person is looking to take on a transition or transformation of habits or behaviors we must first start with our mindset. Consider the fact that we have trained ourselves to incorporate certain foods into our diet, in many cases for a lifetime. So when we begin to make major shifts and changes, the initial separation can cause withdrawals. Our mindset needs to be in a place where we are clear about not only what changes we are making and committing to, but also why we are making the changes. If the idea of removing something from your diet comes to mind, that means there may be something out of alignment that is sending us messages. Sometimes our body tells us that we are out of alignment through messages such as inflammation, being bloated, weight gain, depleted energy, and ailments like diabetes, arthritis, and much more.
When making a major dietary shift, especially one that not everyone around has incorporated, there will be challenging moments. So it is important to spend time preparing for a gluten-free diet before jumping in headfirst. Once you have a better sense of what gluten-free choices are available and which are the best gluten-free foods to add to your diet, then you’ll know which foods to eliminate from your meals. Be patient with yourself as you are discovering ideas for a gluten-free diet. Give yourself time to be clear on what a gluten-free plan will look like to you. Prepare by shopping in advance. Bring foods along with you while you’re out having fun, foods that are nutritionally beneficial to you. There are so many gluten-free foods available that will help you maintain your well-being.
It is important to set different structures in place that will best support you while you’re making the transition to a gluten-free lifestyle. There are simple things to do that will enrich your life, like finding gluten-free restaurants or becoming more familiar with the gluten-free options on the menus of places where you already like to eat. Also, look in your community to find support groups where others who have a gluten-free lifestyle gather to share ideas. There are also online support groups. You will be surprised by how important and powerful these things can be.
When you start to learn more about what the best gluten-free foods are and how to exercise your gluten-free choice, you will want to open up your creativity gateways. Think with the wonderment of a child discovering all the different gluten-free choices that are available. Look for a gluten-free guide or book to help you initially. When making your way into a gluten-free lifestyle there is a natural learning curve, and so it’s best to ease in and have fun in the process if you can. Allow your body to be the messenger letting you know what works and what doesn’t work and then adjust accordingly.
If you are just venturing into a gluten-free lifestyle, remember to set yourself up for success. Do not make so many strict and rigid changes overnight that are impossible to sustain. If you have the option, take your time to explore and educate yourself on how to live a gluten-free lifestyle and have fun doing it. Enjoy being in the space of discovery and wonderment finding new recipes and ideas for a gluten-free diet.
Written by Lisa Saremi